Monday, August 19, 2013

The Limits of Growth or who tries to benefit of it?

At 1968 few smart guys funded the “Club of Rome”… For some people they sought it is a kind of secret society like the P 2 Lodge…

It is not.

The people gathered in Rome have tried to give a vision for what will happen in the next 30 years. 

They were trying to find answers for the challenges of our World.

In 1972 a book was issued “The limits of Growth”…

205 pages, short, understandable language and visionary.

The group of scientists of the Club of Rome took a computer model and tried to anticipate what will happen in the future in next 30 years.

At 2000 it turned out, that they have in fact estimated the World’s conditions with amazing accuracy.

There is something changed since that book was published – people or let’s say “the general public” started to be aware, that our natural resources are limited and our growth is not endless.

What would an ordinary person do in this case?

Option 1. They would start to use the resources with more care.

Option 2. They would try to grab as much of it as possible, just to make sure they do not need to care.

You may guess, we shall talk a bit about option two... 

But before that,

I owe you a nice picture of James Bond with her Majesty. My favourite was Roger (Moore), but he was not as lucky.

 He in fact did not go for it… Why I talk about this? 

A picture with Her Majesty is also a limited source. Limited both in time and also in chances to get it. And this lucky bastard Daniel (Craig) managed to get the photo with her. A good photo…

It happened to me, that I opened up an ages old Milka chocolate which somehow managed to disappear in our fridge for years… Than I looked on to the packing  and started to wonder – where is that good old Milka from Suchard?  Mr. Suchard (in fact not him, but my father, who brought to me this chocolate) caused some really happy hours in my early life…

So I started to wonder what happened to him?

He is history since 1884…. And his name survived him nearly by 100 years. It disappeared only at 1990.

As I was reading this story, I found a lot of names, takeovers and plenty of interesting data.

And about the biggest competitor of the same Milka.

 And something related to our limited sources and our main topic as well.

There is a big – big company. In fact the biggest of its kind in the world!

Here comes my favorite:


Is the world's leading nutrition, health and wellness company.

Good Food, Good Life!

I agree with that in general. But can we agree with that in connection with this big boy?

Yes, they also started with chocolate business. Than something, the today’s adult generation might remember.

What a lovely scene! The bird mum feeding her small children!

And what about human mums? So here we come...

Breast Milk and baby milk.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

It took a decade in America to find out, that the breast-feeding by mother cannot be substituted by anything else. They also released that the necessity of breast-feeding should be advertised on every corner on the cost of these smarty milk powder producers!

So from 70th in America people and companies realised how damaging is to implicate, that you can substitute breast feeding by some powders…

Nestlé learned the story very well!

 But it makes no problem for them to conquer new markets and to put most of the developing countries into the same trap, which America already gone through!

We learned the same story repeating again and again… First in the 80s behind the “iron curtain”, than they went further to Russia, than the 90’s become the golden ground in China and South Asia….

Everywhere the same scenario… Smiling sexy mum, smiling fat child, feeling of freedom. Than the “whisper campaign” – if you breast feed, your breast will look ugly… Give your child the powder! Your child will grow bigger, smarter, and prettier!

This particular advert from Armenia suggests, that it gives "Safe protection for the baby". The safe protection for the baby is the milk form the mother! And this is known over 50 years already!

After the good work of the company it will take long years to realise, that it is all a big bluff and another long years to talk back the mothers to do, what they have done for thousands of years. But the damage is done! Those guys who had no chance of having real mother’s real milk are having significant disadvantages to those, who did have the “luck”, so their mothers were not brainwashed by a nice big milk company’s advert.

But this is just a short episode – we go further!

The same Nestlé realised that they need to go into something, which shall make their business blooming forever! 

They cannot depend on some crazy doctors, who after 10-15 years of their dominance on milk powder market want to save the health and the pocket of their crazy nation and will go against their milk products… This is not enough stable business!

So what is the main substance of the human being, of the flora and fauna on the Earth?

H2O – yes – water…

It is everywhere, but it is also nowhere.

So Nestlé just collected whatever they could collect… From all over the world!

I must admit, even myself I got shocked reading this list… over 70 brands…

You must see the whole list:





















So, find your own favorite brand and I am sure you will find no matter where you live and listen carefully.

A number of these brands are sitting on a limited source. A well or spring or a lake…

So what is the problem?

a/. Several times Nestle was found guilty about over exploiting their water sources;

b/. Then in addition to this, they were lying to their customers about the source, and were selling water, which was nothing to do with the declared source.  

You can read many things about them, just put the three magic words “Nestle + water + scandal”….

Or you can do what I have done -

Take your favourite brand. 

I just took mine, it is marketed under the name of  “Theodora”. I must admit, I like it very much!

Look at this lovely picture!

 And start to look after its history…

The spring was found at 1907. At Kali Basin (Hungary), which is part of Balaton Lake’s upper land.

The factory started to bottle this water from 1998. Few years later they have opened another well.

When I was searching for some geographical info on the net, the first article appeared is, that the extensive exploitation of the wells by Nestle is drying out the basin itself, which is a relatively closed, very unique small ecology system… (This is available only on Hungarian

You think anything happened? Nestle gave the usual explanation – draught… And those hungry Hungarian boys were happy to get this as an answer…

Draughts – and during this draughts the exploitation of the wells went up 10 times. People were thirsty right?

Anything else happened? Nothing… In fact the company built a nice box on the place of the original well and made sure, that you can get out no more then a bottle of water in half an hour;

By the Hungarian laws, they must give access to a natural spring… Hmmmmm……

But at least we can say, that Nestle keeps with its tradition, to exploit its water sources until the last drop…

Do not misunderstand, this is not in Gobi or not in Nevada, 

this is the Kali Basin, from where my favourite mineral water comes... Hungary 2011 October. 

So what else Nestle was doing?

-       spreading false information;

-       cheating their customers;

-       spying on other organisations;

-       Purposely damaging the health of children; (

The same company by the way believes, that “Access to the water should not be a public right”.

They can think so, after selling over USD (I help you again – it is 100 billion dollars) bottled water…
They are a modest company. On some of their bottled water they make

 53 million percent profit.

Not a joke and not a mistake. This is how you can make money on limited sources… And the correct figure is: 53,908,255%

It is might not too late to ring some small or bigger bells and think over what and how to do in the future and the benefits of our Global Society…

If one company can practically hold the throat of the half of the World, than it might makes some risks for all of us.
Especially if this company behaves like they are right in the middle of a full-scale war!

If a company behaves like this, than how their nations behave?

And the message from the White House is clear:

"We have to do everything we can to encourage the entrepreneurial spirit, wherever we find it. We should be helping American companies compete and sell their products all over the world.”

I let you think about this…

I have to say sorry! At this time I wanted to talk much more about limited sources on our Earth, and about how nations and the Global environment behave.

But in a sudden moment I just bumped into this Nestle stories, which I could not leave unnoticed.. 

I am sure some of you heard about this, however Nestle itself makes sure to cover as much as possible of bad publicity about them. 

The Kali Basin in Hungary I have visited as a school boy, when I was about 12 or 13 years old. 

Anyone goes there frequently can notice, that it is drying out slowly and steadily for the last 15 years. 

Still, to find some study or some reliable source is really hard.  In general people get silenced very efficiently. You know, Hungary is a small country. With not much natural resources... Water is one of those rare sources they got... So they try to sell, whatever they have. And leave the consequences for the future generations..

Usual scenario, where a big global player can feel confident and strong...

And I leave you with the following sentence

“If Good exists, I hope he got a good excuse”

Woody Allan

Just for fun, I would propose to the Nestle guys a new logo... Much more suitable for their real activity:-)).. Three birds, but not feeding each other, but taking from others:-))

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