Thursday, August 8, 2013

Atlantis, or Doors that lead nowhere

To understand more about our current society of Globalisation  we again need to go back and look into the matters from a bit of different aspects.

By our today’s knowledge the last Ice Age (or as the scientists call it glacial period) lasted until around 10.000 years ago.

It did not end up from one day to another, but for sure in a certain time of 1-3 thousand years made habitable environment in the areas today known as “continental” climate zones.

Why it is important – the different ice ages, one after the other virtually wiped out any trace of any civilisation
 if there was any. They not only wiped that out, but they did the same with the traces of the previous ice ages… there is only very little to see after this gigantic clean ups!

For those, who never seen a glacier, here you are one photo to demonstrate the force of the ice (this was taken in Switzerland at 2011 summer).

Our planet started to be more or less habitable (by our todays terms) around 5-7.000 thousands year ago.

This does not means that the human race was not around, just this means, that we do not know much about what was happening to them before that.

The main historic source escaped the ice age cleanup are the numerous cave paintings all around the world.

We know, that the last ice age lasted from around 100.000 years ago till around 10.000 years ago. We believe, that the “Homo Sapiens” appeared in Africa about 250.000 years ago and by the common belief “migrated” all over the world about 50-70.000 years ago.

The cave paintings can be traced back to 35-40.000 years ago. They in fact show clearly the life of the prehistoric man.

In the same caves we can usually find also the tools and the traces of the everyday life of the same people, their food, their clothes and also their graves.

They lived in close communities and they were surprisingly developed. (Today many people consider those cultures as something retarded… it is really not the case.)

Those cave paintings can be found all around the World; Europe, Africa, Asia, America and Australia.

I list all this for one single purpose. We can be nearly sure, that there were parallel civilizations developing independently from each other, mainly interacting inside their limited environment and in the meantime able to achieve development and being able for longer-term survival.

And something did not changed much for tens of thousands of years:

Just compare the art of unknown prehistoric master with the greatest painter of the 20th Century, Pablo Picasso.

I hope you shall agree with me, that this was the time, when several societies existed without even a chance to interact to each other.

We also do not have much evidence on how these communities would link to later societies. Unless, that we have even now some hidden tribes living very similar life. (Like those in Amazonas we were mentioning in the last blog)…

So let’s jump to our next level, but still back into history for about 5-10.000 years ago.

It is more or less agreed, that about six independently developed civilisations rose independently from each other.

The regions were:

Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, India, the Central Andes, and Mesoamerica. (

In fact we could list down dozens of societies and civilisations, which have completely disappeared. Others, which were conquered or destroyed by other, lets say more "competitive" human formations.

But all in all

What do we have now?

If we put on a 24-hour day the known history of human civilisations, than the Maya Empire lasted about 2 hours, the British Empire about 7 minutes and our GLOBAL world survived till now about 50 seconds…

Michel Roux, the great French chef shall show you the way …

Take a lot of different ingredients, cook each separately, and then mix it as you wish. Than the customer will like it (or not…)

My grandma thought me that you need to cook the food all together. You add different ingredients at different time; than you have the meal you will eat. (Or not)

If you have nothing left, just few ingredients remained for a last meal - which way you would choose? 

Michel's or grandma way?

Why we all talk about this, as there are errors, for which today we have no tools to correct:

The World growing faster, getting more global and the decision makers have not much chance to influence.

You may ask me why I mentioned in the title the Atlantis? I tell you why. I call the process which leads the societies coming to a dead end the "Atlantis Effect".

I am very sure, that there is and there was no Atlantis. In fact different cultures at different time described very similar events, which now people call Atlantis. And many of them search for that in a hope to find some treasures from a remaining golden era... We are in fact will not dig after any society in the sea, but we shall try to find out later, what is common in all those, who came to an end without leaving too much traces or impact on next generations.

And this question is more interesting, than ever!

The Arab spring just happened now. And still happening now and after 2 years most of the participants have absolutely no clue where it is going to turn. This is a classic example of how a society collapses by its own. In the last 2 years we can always listen some clever boys  trying to explain to us, what we have seen.

Did you hear anyone to say what is the next step? And where it is going to lead and who?

Just for you to have a feeling of what we all know... Egypt springs...

2011                                                                                                            2012


Any conclusion? Don't you think, that these guys just protesting back themselves into the middle age?
Besides the destruction anyone had any idea of the outcome and the solutions?

But about National Economies and their role in Global World we shall need to talk another time...

What we look after today is the speed of Globalism, and insufficiency of room and especially insufficiency of knowledge for corrective measures.

It is not only goes on right now, but it runs like the TGV or Shinkansen… Too fast, too far…


Before there were Inca’s, Sumerians, Chinese, Mongols, Greeks, Brits or Vikings… There was time and space for error and chance for differences, for corrections and for survival…

Now we are about to make sure, that we shall not have any – I mean any second chances….

"Cowards die many times before their deaths,
The valiant never taste of death but once."

W. Shakespeare

But there is one country, which already have the solution for everything!

They trained our modern day Super HERO! He is the one will save us all!!!!

The new age James Bond, Mr. Ryan Fogle, just warned the World of a new extra terrestrial threat, so all the US Embassies from now on will be closed until the 31stth of December.

That day the same Embassies shall open to receive the Santa performed by Fogle's training officer. 

He will be having the moustache from Pancho Villa, dress of Ivan the Terrible and hair from Vin Diesel and make sure not to forget about the shoes of Amanda Lear!

And Mr.Fogle himself will act as the 3rd white swan… Just like he learned from the 7th lesson in the Police Academy.

In the meantime there was a decision to use a secret budget to engage the Man in Black and the Blues Brothers from the 1st of January, as new 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th secretaries in Moscow capital’s Embassy. For the post of 7th and 8th there is no decision yet, but it looks like they consider the Batman and Robin.

As for the 9th there is no candidacy yet... Barack wanted this as a surprise to Vladimir, but he changed his mind and this time he decided not to talk to him. You remember few Blogs before that bad boy? Ed? That because of him! Yes, no mistake, that bad boy revealed a big secret! That Barack listening everything!

After all this Barack do not need to talk to Vladimir, as he knows everything! Why to talk?

Vladimir feels bored listening anyway....

You see how disappointed was Vladimir, when Barack disclosed to him, that there are more guys in the Embassy and they have more moustaches, more sunglasses and a lot of wigs! Not only blond ones, but red and even brunette ones!  

They now also learned how to orient themselves without a compass, flashlight and a map in Moscow! 

So I let you wonder about all this, as next time we shall see more about the economic events of the doors, that lead nowhere;

"No crime is vulgar, but all vulgarity is crime. Vulgarity is the conduct of others." O. Wilde

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