Saturday, July 20, 2013

Looking back? Not yet….

Here I am again…

I have promised to follow the previous post by some stories from the past and to take a long journey back…

Can I stop for a moment before that?

I would like to share some recent experience, just because it might help us to investigate our main topic more in details….

Few days ago I had a wonderful chance to look around in Guangzhou airport for a couple of hours… And there was a nice Chinese restaurant, where I found my favourite Wonton soup… Delicious, healthy and Chinese! I love it!

Suddenly a relatively young Chinese couple came to the next table. Their child (you may bet – a boyJ) was around 4-5 years old. They were looking at the menu for a while and finally the small boy choose a club sandwich…

Something like this….

(Sorry I could not jump from my table and make a photo of the specific meal, but it was very similar to this…. All in all did not much looked like a club sandwich and I am sure did not taste like that at all….)

Until I was wondering further, if to ruin the taste of  my soup by a bottle of Carlsberg (flagship of the Danish economy), there were two more couples, and several children arriving to the same place… From 5 children only one girl choose a traditional meal (fried rice)… By the way is it possible that the girls are more conservative in general, or only the Chinese girls??? (It was also interesting to see, that the ratio between the girls and the boys in the restaurant was 4-1J)

The rest of the children took exactly the same ugly club sandwich. The children and especially their parents looked happy…

Besides the question, why is it “trendy” to eat junk in China, I was thinking about another matter…


The Chinese seems happy to teach their children to eat junk and by this to demonstrate to be fancy and to be global…. It looks like they think it is good to be global…

Is it good to be global?  Whose interest is to be global?  Why not to be local?
Where is the line between global and local or national?

And then two events came to my mind…

October 1665, Oliver (Cromwell) signs a treaty with France to defeat the Spanish with the aim to make England GLOBAL!

346 years later David (William Donald Cameron) used his veto and “For the first time since Britain joined the European Community in 1973, a treaty that goes to the heart of how the EU works will be struck without a British signature.” (

Remember well David’s words!

"I said that if I couldn't get adequate safeguards for Britain in a new European treaty then I wouldn't agree to it. What is on offer isn't in Britain's interests so I didn't agree to it,"

No mistake, this Britain is the same Britain, who fought the fiercest battles for centuries for GLOBALISM!

Oliver or David? Who is right and who is wrong?

Let me understand better when it turns to be good to be Global, we are ready to join our enemy to fight for the Global!

When it is not so good to be global, we betray our allies and quit them right in the middle of the road…

Do you have some strange feeling?  Oliver openly conducts a war for GLOBALISM… What David is doing?  Do you remember my previous post and the legend of David, who defeated Goliath…. So what about our David vetoing the EU???? Just think about it…. Do you have a feeling he might fights against the Globalism?

Or might be the Globalisation is like the Club Sandwich in Guangzhou airport, looks different, tastes different, but still we offer it to our children? Why should we or why we should not?

Please remember about Oliver and David and the GLOBALISM… We shall mention them together with the Club Sandwich, as they will become important participants of our further thinking…

But let me stop here. For the moment we have more important things to do… And more I talk about the food, hungrier we shall become…. Better lets see some of this crazy history….

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