Saturday, July 13, 2013

Heating up

I am first time on a Blog... In fact I have never done such a thing, so if you read this, please have some extra patience for me...

I thank you in advance.

About myself:

I am an economist, learned here and there, got influenced with all the ideas from the end of 70s and beginning of 80's... Due to many circumstances I stayed away from any kind of politics or religious groups and I do not believe in any specific conspiracy theory either....

I have worked through the majority of my life, in different kind of positions, under different governments, abroad, administration, finance, trading, training, education, production... Had experience in macro and micro decision making. Cannot say, that always been successful, but in general terms I could manage few things...

I have two more abilities - I can fix large systems (normally non- or dis-functioning) and make them working, sometimes very successfully working:-)) and I can predict when and where a future economic crisis comes... This later ability naturally comes only if I have something to do with the place in question, but since my first prediction (at the end of 1994) of the1997 Asian crisis, I have managed to predict minimum 18 month ahead  the Russian at 1998,  later the American, the Icelandic, the Russian again at 2008... The European everyone predicted:-)), so that is not a big deal...

The reason to write this blog however is not to advertise myself, but an idea, which I feel to share with those, who might be interested...

I strongly believe, that since the end of "Cold War" (Year of 1979 and I do not recognise the term of "Second Cold War"), there is a full scale Third World War goes on. This war is different from the previous World Wars, as it is conducted less and less by weapons and armies and more and more by economic confrontation, however the severity of this war is much more widespread and the impact of it on each and every individual on the planet is far bigger, that of any war in the human history...

This question makes me curious for longer time... I would not say, that it is a strictly scientific work, but for several years I just made some small notes and reminders for myself... Trying to link events, actions and counter actions... And I try to read a bit different way.... 

Lets get start with this!

How it all came out.... Sometimes ago my nice GRUNDFOS pump installed to increase the hot water pressure from my solar heater (be green!!!!) suddenly burned down (how lucky I am - 2 month after the guarantee expired). Looks like a very simple event - but for me this means a chain of events which made me thinking further on my previous ideas...

Around 2 years ago I looked for the local Grundfos dealer with a request to get a specific pump for about USD 200. The dealer explained, that the pump I want is not suitable, not available and you know, all the usual blahhh... blahhh... And talk me into a much bigger, industrial pump for ten times the price, over USD 2.000. I asked them specifically to guarantee for me, that this huge pump will work with my home system.... They did.... The pump broke, the company installed disappeared, the dealer disappeared and  Grundfos does not want to take any responsibility...

I say no problem, I paid a USD 2000 check to learn something - I will not make the same mistake, I will get a suitable pump from someone else...

So here is where I started to think.... There is no other company can make anything close to the quality and specifications of Grundfoss. If and when I want to have proper pressure in my hot water system, I have to use them!

Why it is so interesting and how this can be linked to WWIII you may ask? It is closely linked as Grundfos is a Danish company, a 100% danish brand, a practical monopoly not only in Europe, but all over the World. And behaves like a real multinational by every aspect...

Danmark a small David among Goliaths. Ranked around 110th by population manage to be the 32nd largest economy in the World!

But stop here for a moment, just make sure you remember about Denmark, as we shall look into this "danish syndrome" more closely later.... And I am sure many of you enjoyed their LEGO system as much as I did, when I bought the first toy train to my son:-))), so now we shall follow the same way as the lego system.... Build one idea on the other.... Let's just say, that we have chosen one of our participants, which we shall use a future reference for all the good or bad we shall talk about...

And I wanted to share with you one more event happened to me....

Today I waked up and I have felt, like things repeating each other, but a bit different way... Ed Snowden asks asylum in Russia....

I remember another event at May 28 1987, a young german, Mathias Rust landed on the Red Square, without being noticed by anyone... On a Cessna 172 Aircraft.... (since then I love this photo!)

Rust's plane in Red Square

Here you can see the whole footage and the story....

(for those, who might born after this:-))

So back to our business....

Look at Snowden and Rust!

Do you see any similarity in between them?

And do you know what is different in them?

Let's keep for the moment our focus on Snowden... He leaks information, that the USA listens many people but not only their own, but other people as well! The good old BIG Brother! Let me repeat correctly from yesterday news....

"US law allowed interception of communications data on a "very wide scale" and without prior judicial approval for the targeting of named suspects, Schaar told Bavarian BR public broadcasting." (

And the best in all that another handsome german guy flew to Washington... As he is not so handsome as the Rust, I will not put his photo in here... Mr Hans- Peter Frierdich rushed to meet a fantastic woman, Lisa Monaco (let's hope this meeting will not end the same way, as the one Strauss Khann had with his hotel room mate:-)))...

And they will whisper to each other ears, why those american bad boys were listening every single move of their german brothers on arms...

Can I give you a possible answer?

As the full scale IIIWW goes on.... 

Lets bet today - the Big Brother is not interested in Angela's underwear, they are also not interested in the Afghan or Libyan or whatever military involvement of the Lohengrins - so in what those bad boys are interested????  In the latest interpretation of Mahler's "Symphony of thousand"?  Did they listened the The Staatsoper Unter den Linden, as they did not have enough money to buy a ticket???

Any further guess?

Money, money and money.....  May be... But I think they were probably interested in EU future economic and financial policies... As that makes fundamental impact on the Big Brother....

Just one cross question - when the intelligence activity in any country is the most active?

(answer: during war time)

But let's stop here....

So for today we managed to pick two more subjects for our observation USA and Germany...

We shall not forget about EU as well, but it has a secondary role (not because I say so, but because of it's current status)...

And for all the ladies, who fell in love with Rust and Snowden, I promise, that we will not forget about them... By the way Rust was received by russian girls on the Red Square with applauds. smiles and laughs! (certainly the that time Soviet media did not like to show this).... Let's see how they shall receive Snowden?

But if we want to prove something, we have to start normally from the story (or better the history)...

I will try to make it as less boring as possible....

The main subject of the next jump back to the past is to find out why such wars did not existed in the past, or if they have existed, why so few noticed them?

So for this purpose we shall go back about 1000 years (we can go back even more, but for our subject it is irrelevant if we go back one, three or five thousand years... (and I just looked into my old notes.... and we shall need to make a short jump to Mr. Hamurabbi, but let me see when and how shall we do it..)

before you close down this chapter, give your mind a few seconds to think about below:-))))

C.S. Lewis

“All that we call human history--money, poverty, ambition, war, prostitution, classes, empires, slavery--[is] the long terrible story of man trying to find something other than God which will make him happy.”     

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