Saturday, December 28, 2013

Immortals. No mercy!

I have been invited to a funeral… Of an old friend of mine… Going to a funeral always makes you weak… You have to face the reality against immortality… Strange feeling… We all want to be immortal… If you don’t than you are a big liar! You are indeed…

But we are not here to make moral lessons, but speak about more important things;

After funerals I like to go back to classics - it may refresh your mind and soul... Why classics? Obviously they become immortals... Right?
 This is my favorite - Marcus Tullius Cicero… He wrote this few decades before the Virgin Mary was born...

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious, but it cannot survive treason from within
An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly, but the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. 
For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their garments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men.  He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist.  A murderer is less to fear.”  

I have just one remark about Ed Snowden’s ongoing scandal;
Several heads of states got angry, when they have realised, that their phones were tapped; Angela got angry, as this was the “gratitude” the Americans showed to her, when she turned her own party sentiments towards a friendly  trans Atlantic dialog and building the trust with the Americans.

Now we all learned a lesson - Never trust the Americans!

Or in other words, you can trust them, but they will never trust you...

However there is nothing to complain about them. They also do not trust themselves. 

Do you remember the USD notes?

Any further question?

I am still curious if and when someone will claim the economic impacts of this surveillance program…

USA has one of the strictest laws about “insider trading”.

“Insider trading is the trading of a public company's stock or other securities (such as bonds or stock options) by individuals with access to non-public information about the company. In various countries, insider trading based on inside information is illegal. This is because it is seen as unfair to other investors who do not have access to the information.” (Source: Wikipedia)

We can only guess for what purposes the US and the British intelligence services were using information gathered from the world’s top leaders… They would be total fouls not to take advantage of this.

We know already, that the US was gathering information, that it was illegal, it was against their constitution, and it is highly immoral; What else we need to know?

US (and also the EU) was very strict on punishing the banks for any wrongdoing – this year the banks paid about 43 billions in fines and settlements…

When shall UK and US pay for illegally gathering and misusing the strictly confidential insider economic information?

Can we find any co-relation between US economic top decision-making process and that information gathered?

It is only the matter of time and effort to find out a very clear direct link… You need to trust me on this.

It should be otherwise the vital interest of most of the nations – not to talk so much about the matter of Angela Merkel’s privacy, but they supposed to raise the question of an independent Nation’s privacy…

Sounds pretty interesting right?

Since the first world war the rules of the war are set; The beauty of the intelligence activity is, that it has no international rules set; However a certain “code of conduct” is followed, based on centuries old practices in this “field”; However there are bilateral agreements – we can certainly agree, that the US-German agreement did not allow the Americans to listen Angela’s phoneJ)

So it is time to sit down and draw some lines; on a multinational level;

Many people think this is a political and moral issue – it is not really – this is very much an economic issue;

It is a huge difference for Ben Bernanke to wake up and to know, where Angela, Francois, Dilma and the others are going to move next week, than for Angela, Francois or Dilma to wake up and to try to guess what Ben will do;

And this behaviour is certainly unfair; Not only to Angela, but also to all the investors doing honest business in Germany, France, and the EU or in Brazil; 

As the USA is cheating them from the moment they gather any insider info about any independent Nation’s leader or any person, who has influence on the course of that national economy or economic alliance.

This may cost billions to those investors in Germany, France, EU or Brazil, which they can lose in few seconds. 

And tempering the libor is nothing in comparison with one single decision made in US based on that kind of insider info….

In my previous posts I called David a traitor… He is the modern day Judas indeed… Britain once will pay a huge price because of this dandy boy… Remember him and make sure never forgive him… (And let me remind you the first sentence of the quote…)… 

No mercy!

And there is one more aspect of the same dilemma;

The US regards itself as a role model for equal opportunity concept; this supposed to be one of the main pillars of their democratic idea;

However the same US is the first, which violates this principle on the international level, where their main principle is to use unequal force, taking advantage by any means and use open discrimination;

It is true, that they do this to make their own businesses and people happier and their own nation stronger.

However they should think sometimes for a second, about the cost of their actions and how many people’s life on the planet they make worst, or absolutely miserable.

Hey guys! Think about the cost of your action!

It is also a big question, if the US politicians will ever learn, that this kind of actions sooner or later will bitterly backfire on them… 

And I am wondering, how many more lessons the US has to learn, before they shall stop doing the same mistakes?  

And what remained for the rest of the World?

I let you think about….

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