Sunday, September 1, 2013

“Déjà vu”. Casus Belli, or what the Elephant does in the porcelain shop?

War and Peace II.

So what should we talk about?  I think we need to talk a bit about the war itself…

But still, unfortunately this is not Lev Tolstoy and not «Война и мир».

However this question bothered people since Homo sapiens exists.

You remember the prehistoric artist and Picasso from our previous blog? – That bull was from Guernica… And this is something we need to prevent. Don’t misunderstand me; we should prevent Guernica, not Picasso…

I have a feeling, that one of the main problems of the mankind, that they have communication problems – it is a constant problem.

Just to remind you about the story of the tower of Babel;

Genesis 11:4

“And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.”

God came down to see what they did and said: "They are one people and have one language, and nothing will be withheld from them which they purpose to do." "Come, let us go down and confound their speech." And so God scattered them upon the face of the Earth, and confused their languages, so that they would not be able to return to each other, and they left off building the city, which was called Babel "because God there confounded the language of all the Earth".

There is one thing missing in the book of Genesis:

Even those, who speak the same language most of the time also do not understand each other;

Did you notice this with your colleague, boss, husband, wife, kid, and taxi driver, waiter in the restaurant or your favourite politician?

It is simple – people need to learn to communicate their ideas in clear understandable language;

In general this ability of straightforward communication is still not the strongest side of our human race.

Communication problems lead to misunderstandings. Misunderstandings lead to mistrust and to conflicts. Series of conflicts to confrontation – let’s say wars. But this is in fact the “soft” or let’s say and idealistic approach of one of the causes of the wars…

Still should remember two terms – miscommunication and mistrust;

Do not worry… the modern day wars have nothing to do, or much less to do with miscommunication and mistrust. The bad news is, that misjudgment is still a great factor…

So we are back to War…

I am not going to repeat Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader’s epic fight.

At the moment we will just identify what we mean about this event – the WAR.

Otherwise it will happen to us, as to most of politicians, we speak about something and we have no clue what we talk about…

Some will disagree with me, that the Germans are in fact one of the greatest masters of the war.

And very little shall disagree with me, that Carl (Philippe Gottfried) von Clausewitz is one of the greatest contributors of the science of warfare. Interestingly he inspired plenty of people shaping our recent history.

Just like Lenin, Mao, Eisenhower, von Moltke or Thomas Schelling;

What I want to mean, that at this moment most of the people dealing with the subject professionally accept Clausewitz’s definition of the War.

And here it comes

The war is an "an act of force to compel our enemy to do our will".

And later he gives us a bit more detailed description of the same:

The war is “simply a continuation of political intercourse, with the addition of other means”

Most of us need to think to change their idea about what we call a war. As if we take the above definition, we must realise, that wars can be conducted with various tools and those tools should not necessarily be weapons, which we conventionally consider as a weapon.

Just think what is act of force or how many times you did what someone else wanted? And how many times you do now?
Let’s say when you go to shop to IKEA, you nicely collect all the items, than put them on the trolley, than take them off at the counter, than put them back, than put them into your car or a taxi, than take them off at home, than bring those in, than install them, and there will always be missing one screw or a small plastic clip, so you shall repeat this exercise and you will repeat several time, until you have done all this.

As a consequence, you may hurt your back or your finger, you spent your time, car and all the efforts and in the meantime you managed to become a sort of IKEA employee without IKEA had to make any contract, pay tax or spend a penny on social insurance…

Do you like it? I am absolutely sure, that if you think seriously, than you don’t. Why you do it? For plenty of reasons, let’s say the main motivation is financial.... What happens in reality is, that you allow IKEA to force you to do it…

In fact IKEA makes you doing something, they are the ones supposed to do… And IKEA will force you to do so, even to come back several times and most of the time you shall run back happily… Can we say this is a war?

Hmmm not really, but we might shall get closer to the solution; And my point on this story is not to say anything wrong about IKEA (or any other kind of self service or cash and carry chain), but I want to make sure, we learn to recognise  when we do something out of our own will, or when we do something for others out of someone else’s will. This is important to know… Just to avoid, that we constantly act as hypnotised by someone else’s more or less dirty tricks…

Please think about the “other means to continue a political intercourse”?

Or in other words, what are the regular or not “other means” of political intercourse?

Is it possible, that sometimes we think, that we are in War, but in fact it is not true, or;

Exactly the opposite – we think we are in Peace but we are right in a middle of a War?

In our everyday life we face so many times the same problem. I am sure with all of you happened, that you think someone if friendly to you, but later it turns out, that you simply miss judged either the person or the situation with him…

But I think there is no need to convince anyone about why it is important to identify our own situation towards others either on personal, local, national or global levels. And we shall come back on those “other means”, once we shall look into them more in details.

But we need to identify one more factor of the War itself. It is POLITICS right?

Remember this Latin expression “casus belli” sounds so nice… BELLI… The romans called it this way. Now we call it war… As there is nothing belli, or in other words nothing nice in that… It is a terrible thing…

Before we go further, let me put your attention on a fantastic small tale book – you may guess – we talk about Clausewitz…

If you have some chance and mood, you will have nice time with that..

And let’s see about this elephant in our title.

I must say it is not an elephant, but a donkey. As the elephant is the symbol of the Republicans and right now the democrats are in power…

So how a donkey can behave as an elephant in the porcelain shop…

This would be a more appropriate question…

Lady Diana Died 16 years ago… Yesterday… Let us have a moment of silence – rarely you can find such a pure personality in public life, like her. Among all those sick minded gangsters…

And I suppose to hold back myself and stop at this point, but cannot… If you do not like daily politics, than disregard the rest and go to sleep...

And I am sitting few days ago, as a dark stone in the muddy water in front of the main propaganda channel (sure you all know Mr. Turners CNN) of the Donkey's and look into the face of a familiar guy… 

Mr. Kerry! Is this you?… Ahh you man become after Hillary the Secretary of State? Welcome on board!

Look this handsome boy. How proud he is... No worry man! For what you are doing now, you shall never be as proud as you were once upon a time...
So few days ago Kerry  tells me plenty of horrifying things…


And suddenly I have a clear “déjà vu” feeling… Like Keanu Reeves in the Matrix… 

However this conversation of Keanu most probably was not (yet) recorded by NSA...

A bit over 10 years ago (it was cold in February) we also listened a very much passionate speech. From the first black American Secretary of State…General Colin Powell, the victor of the first Iraq war!

Since this speach he managed to earn himself the title of the biggest BFL (Big Fat Liar)… Or let’s say the biggest liar in the United Nations history… Why we talk about this? As the camouflage or the misinformation (bluf) is not only war, but economic tactic as well.

In General Powell’s speech there was absolutely nothing, which would be true. 

Sorry, I need to correct myself – he introduced himself correctly.

Whether he knew or not what he is doing, it is a different question. What he say now as an excuse, it is a third thing.

The Germans clearly warned their dearest NATO partners, 
that there is something terribly wrong with the credibility of the information and the informant and with the whole story all-together. Before this speech.

What happens later? You know better than me… As a consequence the good boys start to increase their intelligence over those unreliable guys from Germany… And basically spending billions all over the world to create an electronic intelligence network, as these ugly wars proved to be absolutely ineffective….
And as I talk to you about this our good David appears! Yeah!!! You must remember him from our previous blogs! David the handsome… The one who sold the Britons for NSA for 100 million… Great deal…

John listen to me!

Everything is right what you say.

Except few small details:

1/. You put your blind eyes (already) on killing of about 100.000 people in Syria…

2/. The UN inspectors still could not pack their luggage in Damascus, but you say you know the truth and you made your conclusions;

3/ You already spent thousands of lives of American boys in Iraq and Afghanistan without any kind of positive effect. You managed to destroy the lives of millions in both countries, but also managed to do it in even bigger scale during the Arab Spring…

 4/. Your only ally at the moment is this crazy guy Monsieur Hollande. Or is this the pay back time for kicking out all the rivals from the French presidential election, especially Mr. Kahn?

The same Mr. Powell, the BFL turns to be read at one moment the works of Clausewitz. As he was the last guy close to the military power, which at least had some vision about some basic rules.

Like if we go into a war, we need to have some clear objectives. If we go to occupy a country, than we need to have an exit plan… (Unless if we think to keep it forever..)

As what happened in the last ten years? It would be too much cynical to say NOTHING.

Many things happened:

There were several wars conducted, there were at least a dozen of governments overturned, our life become far more difficult, than we could ever imagine and one thing we know, that Francois Truffaut in his film Fahrenheit 451 had a vision, which becoming a reality; That is where we are heading after 9/11… Don’t you feel so?

And the US made you, me and everyone in this word pay the bill for their war games… (but about this we shall talk later)…

I am sure you are all tired of this long speeches broadcasted by CNN, but I want to turn your attention on one sentence of our good luck John..

“It matters to our security and the security of our allies. It matters to Israel. It matters to our close friends Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon, all of whom live just a stiff breeze away from Damascus. It matters to all of them where the Syrian chemical weapons are -- and if unchecked they can cause even greater death and destruction to those friends.”
Do I hear correctly? Mr. John calls Turkey it “close friend”

The same Turkey, about whom not so long ago the Germans found rock-hard evidences of using CHEMICAL WEAPONS against the Kurds.

John! Did you asked anyone to send there any group to investigate I mean to Turkey or to the Iraq border with Turkey? Why not Mr. John? Or my Turks are different Turks?

The main question John - you need to learn first if this is your gamer or someone else's one...

If this is yours, than you better think twice. If someone else's, that you must be a real donkey...

But let's come back on your good friends...

Turkey...., which probably will never become a EU member, as they refuse to acknowledge, that they are the one committed the largest scale genocide in the history of their own region.

Better you remind your president of his promise to the Armenians! Or presidents just can promise whatever they want? And change their minds same as the pompom girls their underwear after the morning exercise?

Hey John! Wake up! 

are you sure these are your close friends?

Can you please look around?  First you need to understand something about this region, than should start to make your plans, your statements and friends!

There is no person in this civilised World would say, that Assad is a good guy.

But do you know at least what you want to do with him? Or you just burn up the fire as usual and than run away from any further responsibility?

Did you ever John or any of your boys there understood, that this is not America!

The Middle East is something existing over 5.000 years – you guys even do not know how to count to 200…

So destroying fragile systems will lead to their extinction. Will you learn about this? So can you imagine a stinky donkey jumping into a fragrant porcelain shop full of flowers? As the way you behave is exactly the same…

Syria is a big-big-big problem, but the way you guys think to handle it will make it even a bigger problem… Hey! How much more people you want to make suffer?

Or you want to run a stretch test over the new guys in Iran? That can also be a big fun for you and a major disaster for someone else!

Oahhh…. This is exactly what makes sick of you guys the entire world. I know, you do not run a popularity contest, but better you think first... Will help you...

As it even makes sick the majority of your own educated people, the ones you try to brainwash from early morning till late in the evening…

Think about this John…

And why we talk all about this – simple… For our further economic ideas we needed the definition of the war and the miscommunication, mistrust, misjudgment, disinformation, the bluff and even the brainwash…

See you next time.

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