Saturday, December 27, 2014

Your time starts now!

It is the end of the year… In fact almost the end – the year of 2014… This year was no longer or shorter, than any of the previous ones…

I got a sudden feeling to write down something, after Fbook insisting on me to put together my yearly summary.

As usual, if anyone tries to force me to do something I just ignore it.  Or I can send them somewhere... Depends on my mood... 

However the idea is here, so lets make a summary. Not only for this year, but in general.

I write to you, the "new generation" - born end of 80's and in 90's...

You are our children...

The reason I decided to write is, that I still remember the times I was in your age now and I can compare it to where we are now.

So the good news is:

Today you are flooded with information… You can find anything anywhere in few seconds by some clicks on your computer or a smart device…

In my time I was “limited” to our home book collection, the school and some public libraries..

I was really bad guy, as I did not like to return books to the public libraries – they really hated me for that… It was like the magic – once I started to read a book, I treated it as my own property and I hated to give it up!

Yes, there was one more source – around the place I was living, we had few bookstores, which sold old books… For very little money you could get some very nice books…

It is amazing how different is the smell of an old and a new book… The old book has carried the smell of the house, where it was kept for many years on the bookshelf and blended with the smell of the bookstore…

The new books got that unique smell, however they also had different smells, depending on what paper they were printed and how they were covered… In your age I could never afford a color printed book or a book with hard cover… They smelled the best!

So the good news is, that you are still in an era, when you are able to buy books – printed books.

Most probably your children will not have this luxury…

Now the bad news is:

“The limits of growth”, a book predicting the future ahead was published in 1972.

Most of its predictions were told are false… it was told at 1975… However at 2002 it turned out, that those predictions are right.

Trouble… real trouble – if we go on like this, than around the time, when I will start to think about my own funeral, you will have to start to think about your own survival…

As between 2030-2050 the life might start to change dramatically… Please do not have any illusions… We have a good chance to go back to the new era “dark ages”…

If you want to have some hints, just read about it…

I do not want to scare you; I just want you to think about…

You may ask me how come if I new about this and did not do anything?  I was the same age as you now around the year of 1980. Eight years after the release of the book. Why I did not do anything to change this?

Those times matter fact I was thinking to change many things. But those times we lived in a divided world. We thought, that we are on the “proper side” of the planet. The book is about something bad in the “other word”… So it will never come or happen to us…

Then we grew and we have learned many things. We also learned, that our part of the world is not perfect, so we were dreaming to change it. Change it into much better.

Not better, than it was, but better, than the “other word” described in the book.

During our studies we already learned about the computers. We also learned how to make a computer program.

The first computer I could get into my hands was a Sinclair ZX Spectrum. It was fantastic – one time I have spent 72 hours with 3 of my friends playing the game called “bombing of Moscow”.

Not because of the game, but we have got a clear feeling, that something is happening and must happen. The world is changing and we believed it is changing for better.

After I have graduated I went to work in a Ministry… There I have seen the first laptop in the hand of my partner from Finland. By the way I was the first one having a PC in the whole organization – I will always remember, how I conquered the Volkswriter word processing program…

But let me come back to the change…

My generation was thinking about the change.

There were four kinds of people of my generation:

Some believed in and served the existing set up and also benefited from it;

The other one was depending on them either because they had material interest or because they were recruited;

The third one believed, that the set up can be reformed and made better;

And for sure there was the majority – they simply lived their lives…

The “defectors” came from the second group… No wonder… Those by the way, who are the most loud for the recent 20 years…

There was a political opposition and day and night the Voice of America and the Free Europe was broadcasting, but the problem started from the accent of the people, who pretended to speak our language… They did sound like ours, but in fact they did sound like some aliens… At least for me and for the majority of our generation.

We were born in peace - we did not see the horrors of war and violence and we did not have any live experience about that.

At home there was always an uncle, who would remember, how the Russians are bad, why the Americans betrayed us. How the nation was lost. The other side of the world is much better, but in fact every day we got some food at home and in the school.
I was the last one to get a pair of blue jeans in my class, when I was 13 and I did hate the taste of Pepsi, when I tried it first…

So here we come back to the age, when we could change something. But, and here comes the bitter truth and the 

Bad news:

We did not change anything – not our generation and in general not our people.

The time of change came, but no one was ready.

Everyone was ready to make things better and no one was ready to change them!

And in sudden moment we got in front of a choice – at least we thought.

But the reality is, that there was no choice! No choice whatsoever.

The change was planned, negotiated and implemented without the will or influence of not only my generation, but any person in my home country.
Do not have any illusions – nowadays people say – “me I did this or that”…

Do not listen to them – no one did anything at all.

There were few people in the power and their opposition, who were forced into a choice… Sorry, we can call this a “choice into a scenario”…

Choice is, when you can chose at least between “A” and “B”. But there was no “A” and no “B”…

There was a big hurray!!! And we thought something happened. Yes we thought…

But this is a feeling, when you are the meat entering into the grinder…

You do not see, what is happening under – you only feel, that you are moving and you are moving towards something, which you hope is better…

And let me go back a bit in time…

While the Voice of America was broadcasting on us, we in fact listened freely Beatles or practically any western music, witnessed online the Vietnam war, the French students protests, saw the Cuban revolution, the death of JFK and MLK, survived the Cuban crisis, witnessed the “Détente” and we also have seen how the Helsinki Accord was signed…

We saw the cars shrinking during the first oil crisis and have seen the horrors of Munich Olympic hostage taking, the capturing of the Baader-Meinhof group, the execution of Aldo Moro, the assassination of Olaf Palme and John Lennon…

We believed, that people are equal, people are good and we need to be better, so everyone shall be better.

We truly believed in a better world, in a world, which can be unified. A world, which can be a good place for everyone, not only for ourselves, but also for our enemies and their friends and their enemies as well!

We knew, that we are not allowed to do whatever we want; however many times we managed to get around the situation and we accomplished our goals;

We knew, that we couldn’t say, whatever we want; however we learned the language of symbols, so the one relevant could understand what we want;

We knew, that we couldn’t learn, whatever we want, however we found the way to do so.

The good news is:

We also knew, that there is no such a force, which can stop us to think. Our thoughts were our own private “territory” – this private territory was not accessible to anyone, except for those we trusted.

The generation before my parents grew in an environment, where they did not know what their parents think.
I grew in an environment, where I only guessed what my parents do.

You grow in an environment, where you know almost everything. But you do not know one small thing, which the previous generations new.

You have no clue what is going on now and what is going to happen to you in next few moments…

The previous generations were subject to certain brainwash. However it was done with limited success due to the media and information flows those times.

The bad news:

You guys now are under much bigger “pressure” – in general you are put under the control of media and in general of a virtually driven mental terror.

The last corners of your mental privacy are being occupied step by step…
We can blame governments, multi-national companies and the freedom of information flows…

You can blame whatever and who ever…

Your only shield against this is a firm and constantly growing knowledge and an awareness of what is going on.

The awareness will grow as your knowledge grows…

You can ask me why? Why you need this?

If you ask anyone from my generation – did we want this? The answer is no.

Those, who answer yes, are probably in some poorly funded mental institution or they are some rulers of some crazy governments…

So lets go further…

The life can be nice and everyone has a chance in this life. You are young and ambitious. You can achieve almost everything right? Why not?

So here comes again the bad news:

We were naïve enough. We believed in good and bad…

We forgot about one thing. Not to take things for granted.

SO please you learn from our mistake!

Something different does not mean it is something better.
I have just found this quote… The quote is old, but they say it belongs to Deanna Wadsworth…

About the four things you cannot recover in life…

1. The Stone ................... after it's thrown, 
2. The Word .................... after it's said, 
3. The Occasion ................ after it's missed,
4. The Time .................... after it's gone.

Lets speak about the 3rd and the 4th.

We have got a moderate and peaceful childhood. Most of our generation got it. No matter you were poor or wealthy.

It was told to love everyone – the enemy was somewhere outside, we never saw them…

There were pretty clear and simple rules for self conduct and for life…

Those times I have seen the main division between religious and non-religious people.

After the things started to change my first shock was to find out, that people started to divide each other by not only religion, but also by ideology.

After sometimes ideology started to be less important, than to belong to a party.

People started to like or dislike each other based on not their personal sympathies, but on political views.

Once a friend of mine said, that I should revise “my views”. I told him, that I will never waste my time with that…

He did not spoke to me for 10 years… Now he speaks to me again.

And here comes something – once the occasion is missed, it is missed forever… When we could do good business together with my friend, he was into party politics. Now we are friends again, but we shall never make any business.

In your life you need to understand, when you miss an occasion…

And the good news is:

You are not only able to see it, but you are also able to influence it!

Simple – your government makes a bad move – your life goes down, as everyone life goes down…

You could have a better life, but you don’t…

Normally people say, that they cannot change their destiny… I must say, that you can.

In one of my blogs I mention. My friend from Balkan said – they can forgive everything. They cannot forgive one matter.

They cannot forgive, that their youth was stolen.

It was stolen forever!!! No one can return it to them!

My generation did certain bad things – however I believe we did not steal your youth. Not yet…

However we let for you an extremely divided world – more divided, than it was ours…

We spoke about religious divisions, the ideological divisions, and the party divisions… One more came out, as an old crocodile from a forgotten swamp… The racial division and the racism as an old/new form of behavior and expression in general in our transforming society.

Why I speak about this?

Here are the bad news:

Your youth and future is coming to the hands of a next generation…

The one you will have to deal with.

Our generation can help, but even now we are considered to be outdated. Not now, this happened 15 years ago.

My generation started to become far more expensive, than the new generations. Knowledge, skill did not matter.  70% of my generation is sitting at home and doing absolutely nothing. Or almost nothing.

We were born in an age, when we could not learn how to build your own business. We did not have examples in front of ourselves and got no way to practice it.

Most of my generation tried some private business and failed in that. At least one or two times. Those who could stand up and learn from their mistakes now probably standing on their own. This is in fact the 30% I am talking about.

But the 70% is there.

Make sure no one can ever steal your youth! Or your mid ages or your old age…

And who can help you in this?

Here is the good news:

The 70%, who now does absolutely nothing…

Think about it…

And let me come back to the above quote.

I must add a number 5.

5. Human life ………. After its gone.

We were born in a relative safety and security. The war was hanging over us, but it was over…

I feel alarming, that in recent years newer and newer wars are happening more and more frequently.

If I would believe in conspiracy theories, than I would say, that since Russian occupation of Afghanistan, all the wars are conducted upon a carefully designed scenario and schedule… One by one…

However this does not matter from our present point of view. What matters, that our generation fought for our planet to be a safe place…

It looks like our voice start to be weakened by next generations.

Do not let happen this happen. There is no alternative to the peace!

There is no such situation, which can be solved by war.

There is no such a tactic, when confrontation can be more successful, than cooperation or coordination.

And I let you think about this.

Remember, if you want good for yourself, you need to start to do good.

That is the good news:

It is not too late yet!

The bad news:

Your time starts now!

If you need help, we are here, right behind you…

We wish you good luck!