Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Nightmare or sleepwalkers? The "Darwin" society.

Few days ago a prime minister elected by a great central European nation ( great in spirit and small in size) announced, that he wants to build a work-based society…

I could not get rid of this idea since then…

I have tried to read, if there was some similar economic and society models, but could not really find any of it…

Then I got tired…

Suddenly I found myself walking in a dark forest and saw some light few miles away…

On my way I met one guy carrying some firewood and he invited me to his home…

His name was John. You know, in that country every second man's name is John.

He lived in a small house in the middle of the deep forest and he called himself an outlaw or better say a rebel - in that land they call this kind of guys "betyar".

I asked him why he call himself by this title, so he told me his story, while we were heating up a can of american meat sent as food aid to this starving region:

One day a brave young man decided to change the World. But the evil came and changed his country's face. In fact he helped the evil. Whether he gave his soul to the evil, remains a speculation.

And then he saw, how his country falling into ruins. So he decided to lead his nation. But for the first 4 years he was not successful. So he got even eager and angrier and made a plan for his return.

And he decided this time make no mistake…

He ruled the country another four years, he promised to his citizens the land of joy, but the joy did not come.

He promised more changes.

 But he already changed everything. So he needed to figure out what to do...

One day he said, that people must work. Only the work makes the people honest. Only the work makes value!

But to make all the people work, especially the politicians, who never worked in their life, he need to show for them the eternal authority. So he created the rule of the "Holy Crown".

And he decided to destroy and to take over the banks first. The work of money is no good – it is not work! Money is a bad thing.

He closed the banks and gave the money to the rule of the Holy Crown.

But why to stop here?

Property is also a bad thing. So he handed over every kind of property to  the Holy Crown.

But stop for a moment – what is the rule of the Holy Crown?

It is the God given power ruling over the nation and even overruling the rules of anyone else.

So he decided to use the banks instead of handling the money, to register the work of each and every individual.

When John got a smart device, which measured his blood pressure, and heart rate, recorded his 24 hour activity by a camera and his whereabouts by GPS. When he heard, that he need to work with a heart rate over 150 per minute to qualify for one coupon, he decided to escape into the woods.

So I asked John what was happening in this society?

He said, from 1st of January people had to hand over their properties. Their money also had been taken away, together with all their valuables.

People were recorded, tagged and sent to their designated working places.

People had to find their new neighbourhoods around their new working places...

For each hour of their work recorded, they could get from any Bank ATM coupons evidencing their work.

If they wanted to stay in a house, they had to bid by a certain number of coupons for that house, even if they were before the owners of that same house.

Always the one offered more coupons, could get the right to use the house…

Always the one worked more, could get more benefit. This was the rule!

Same for the cars – you could bid for car rent by your coupons. For food, closes for anything the same rule had been applied.

So if you worked more, you could have better house and better car. But only for the period you have worked more and more.

The competition was hard… Just like in the jungle – for life or death…

Only the stronger and smarter supposed to survive!

I asked what happened to the politicians? He said first time smiling – yes, they also had to start to work!

What happened to the state administration? He said, that the rule of the Holy Crown held weekly Lottery. The one, who won, could be the Prime Minister and the lower ranks were also distributed according to the lottery. But each function could be held only for one week. Than the next winner had to take the position over.

So what happened with the Parliament? He said, that it goes by lucky draw. There are 600 members and they are taken by a lucky draw, from the age group of 6 to 100. They also stay only for 1 week. Same thing happened to the courts.

What about schools, culture, theatres, restaurants, where people do not perform manual labor?

All this is done by the central computers of the former banks in a form of lucky draw… The aim is, that every person should become at a certain point a teacher, or artist or a prime minister…

The idea was to include the factor of random events.

The nation cannot depend whether they have smart or stupid, educated or illiteral members.... The survival of the Nation supposed to be depending on the laws of nature and the rule of the Holy Crown.

And what happens with the foreigners?

John answered to me, that it is very simple… All the borders had been closed to avoid any unnecessary bad influence of the sharks of the international monetary systems. All the external communication was cut off. The nation declared, that their land  borders with itself…

Still, in case some foreigners want to visit the country, they will have to pay a flat fee of 5.000 EUR to the rule of the Holy Crown to get the right to enter to land of the the Holy Crowns.

In here they were provided by the temporary living status for 3 month and given the same registering and tracking devices. They are also allocated to their working places. If they would not work, they would first found themselves with no places to live and later they would die of hunger.

They had to accept the rule of the Holy Crown and even the unforeseen future events. 

How? They must learn carefully about the Nation and have to be able to guess...

I asked him what is the use of hiding? He said to me, that he is a "betyar" - this is the way he lives...

Before he was homeless, bagging near a busy Metro station.

Originally he was a journalist, and teacher, but he could not and did not want to comply even with the previous conditions of the establishment.

There was a bad rumour about him, that he is a liberal.

He could not stand any chance to get any kind of employment even under the "old rule", the one before the rule of the Holy Crown.

The liberals become the main enemies of the state and the cause of all the troubles of the Nation for the last 30 years. He said, that he never heard about George Soros, but they said, before kicking him out, that he is his follower. So he had to go. He lost his friends, his family and everything he worked and lived for.

Suddenly I started to hear some noise of helicopter engines. John asked me to pack up fast, as we shall have to run and hide…

We jumped into the swamp and tried to run as fast as possible… My heart was beating in my throat, I hardly could breath…

Then suddenly I heard a sharp noise…. I felt the bitter sweat on my pillow and opened my eyes… 

My heart was still beating hard...

OH it is time to wake up! 

Today we got many things to do…

As I took my morning tea in the kitchen, I asked my wife to come closer to let me hug her… She felt relaxed and fresh...  She asked me why I look so tired? Could I sleep well?

And I was just smiling on this wonderfull World…