Friday, May 16, 2014

Good Morning Vietnaaaam! Could it be an own goal?

Good Morning Vietnam!

I love Vietnam since so many years. And I have the reason to love Vietnam. Not only one, but many reasons.

I am coming from a country, which is 10 times smaller, than Vietnam. My country has got a much shorter history, but nearly as turbulent as the 5000 years of the history of Vietnam.

There is one similarity. My country was never a big country – sometimes it was stronger, and sometimes it was bigger – but all the time it had to live with some kind of bigger brothers… Or in other words it had to live in the mouth of the lion... Great fun right?

When I was young, one day my father came back home and said, that he has to postpone his trip to China. The reason was, that the situation in Beijing become tense. The Chinese decided to pour full lorries of shit into the garden of the embassy of our small nation.

As a boy I was passing by the Chinese Embassy in my city nearly every day. I asked my father – why we don’t do the same to them? Why they are doing this to our people? He answered – you know some politics… Our nation they are not like Chinese – we do not feel happy to revenge on the people, who have nothing to do with what’s happening in Beijing… We do not want to show bad example… I saw few guys days later planting flowers - in front of the Chinese Embassy... Hmmm...

We are about to speak economics, as usual…

Vietnam has a long history and even a longer tradition.

Also long experience in coexisting with a Big brother.

Just like my own country… In our place we had for many years a survival tactic. We always made the big Brother to feel happy. Yes, do not feel ashamed to try to make him happy! This does not mean, that you need to give up your thoughts  - exactly the opposite… Our tactic was to make happy the Big Brother and make as much as possible advantage of him! Keep smiling!
I see some worrying signs – some JV’s are looted, burned, the news reported some fatalities…

It should be very much clear. Whatever is on the territory of your country, no matter who built or operates it, it is for the benefit of your country, unless it is built and operated on an illegal way…

So destroying properties built on your own land is simply destroying the wealth of your own country and people… I have many friends who love football... They call this an OWN GOAL!

Who is able think just a bit for its own country, they will give a priority to the stability - to make sure it is kept that way at any time…

Anti-foreigner sentiment what for?.

Once for a while every nation learns, that the foreigners, who live in their country are the future ambassadors of the country. They are the ones, who can speak with much stronger voice to their own compatriots, much stronger than you ever thought! Please keep the foreigner or in other words your future ambassadors representing your own country safe!

Do you remember Peter the Great? 

For any foreigner you should teach him about your culture, show for him your values, generosity and your reach culture and make sure he feels sympathy to you!

Remember the history! How many times some Chinese nobles teamed up for the sake of Vietnamese freedom? How many victories were achieved by proper tactics and strategy. Did ever the open confrontation worked? The only tactics worked is to make your own enemy divided! Did ever the destruction of your own lead to any good?

Those who try to escalate all these troubles must be exclusively on the side of your own enemy.

Did anyone realized how much money this lovely country lost within last 10 days just through its stock exchange?

Do not let the emotions lead your action. Think first!

If you want to react, always react in the most smart and effective way.

What can be done?


Stop the big brother to sell his sub standard crap;
Stop them to sell fake goods, especially;
Stop them to sell for you fake chemicals, fake medicine, fake milk and;
Stop them to pour on you all the artificial food and other absolutely harmful substances;

But think for a moment – why it was not stopped yet? Because there is always a local company, who will make sure they can import all this crap!

And you can also fight against import of the
corruption, the primitivism, the fake consumer society, the fake values and the bad manners…

All coming from where?  Yepp, you are right – from there… From those BIG-BIG brothers - as usual! 

Stop the economic, financial, cultural and ethical exploitation of your country! 

Why a year ago in the Big country they have attacked the Japanese businesses – is this what Vietnam has to learn from the big country?

Did anyone explained how many million dollars did this cost for the big brother? Can anyone restore the trust? How many years it will take to restore it?

Can this small brave country afford to behave like its big neighbor? Is this the right action? Why always the bad spread so fast and the good stays behind?

Think about this…

All over the World there is a common law. Since 10 thousand years. Even if someone is your enemy, but they seek your asylum in your house, you have to protect those if necessary even by your own life…

Please think for a moment – who are the foreigners working in your homeland?

This people (at least the majority of them) came with their best intention to do something in your own country. Meaning, in your own house!

There is only one solution to be done – to take care of them and help them to understand you, and in worst case to send them home with a hope, that they shall be able to explain how much their own government is wrong!

The patriotism is a very good thing – but it should not lead to the destruction of your own properties and also not to threatening the lives of people, who have absolutely nothing to do with the decisions of their own countryman!

I spent many years in this lovely country with no fear and with love… Please let others to have the same faith!

Do not let the emotions drag you to do something, which you will regret bitterly. Never forget – all this just makes a very bad effect on you and by this it helps your enemy…

Think about this…