Thursday, November 14, 2013

Nostradamus and the Filthy 10

Like sex in Victorian England,
the reality of Big Business today is our big dirty secret.
(Ralph Nader)

Michael de Nostradame, or by his popular name Nostradamus was a French pharmacist, who published in 1555 his famous Prophecies… 

His great contribution to the popular science was, that he gave a good ground to absolutely useless speculations, which were mainly based on false intentions and total misinterpretation of his work. No matter what we think about him, he has reinvented an otherwise very well known fact: whatever has a beginning, it supposed to have also an end.

A bit earlier than this french pharmacist, the Maya’s also came to the same conclusion – or might be not, but they have created 2000 years before Nostradamus a calendar, which expired at 2012.12.21… However it is much more impressive to write it down as 21.12.12…

And at that day we had to learn that the Maya’s were thinking ahead for about 4000 years and they did not think about the end of the Word, and Nostradamus had also different opinions about the final ending…

Me, Retrograde the 1st  can predict, that there will be and end. And it will come sooner than later, if we do not change something now. It will come, definitely will come one day...

And I see the first, second and the third sign of it… And there will be much more signs, like some stupid head of states, lazy and corrupt officials and scientists and big grey clouds and constant sunshine interrupted by heavy winds...

But before you run to the next supermarket to buy all the canned food and prepare to hide in your private bunker, let us speak about some more serious stuff…

Typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines last week. It was a super typhoon.

Not the first and not the last one… Since 30 years this was the strongest typhoon hit the region.

It is an extremely tragic event.

It took already many lives and unfortunately will take even more.

The international aid started up very enthusiastically, but in fact it is very slow.

These catastrophic events are happening more and more often.

The number of typhoons looks like reducing over the time, however the strength or the severity of those are increasing, also the tracks of the typhoons are changing.

Did you realised  that this picture is repeating over an over? Here you are a photo about flood in Hanoi at 2008...

Why so?

They say because of the global warming and the climate change.

What is going on? Why we need to talk about this? Is this something to do with our general observation?

Yes, it is a part of economic war, which goes on and on…

Many people already sick of listening about the climate change.

Others never even heard about it. It is a fact, that for example one of the biggest polluters nation does not really have any clue about this…

No worry!!! This is California!

And the other still pretending, that they need to pollute for their development…


And this is Beijing!

And there is a third one, which once supported, but latter changed its mind…

Can you guess? This is in Russia!

So here we are…

Most of you must have heard about the Kyoto Protocol…

The Kyoto Protocol (UNFCCC, The Untied Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) was adopted in Kyoto, Japan, on 11 December 1997. Due to a complex ratification process, it entered into force on 16 February 2005.
In short, the Kyoto Protocol is what “operationalizes” the Convention. It commits industrialized countries to stabilize greenhouse gas emissions based on the principles of the Convention. The Convention itself only encourages countries to do so.
Kyoto Protocol, as it is referred to in short, sets binding emission reduction targets for 37 industrialized countries and the European community in its first commitment period. Overall, these targets add up to an average five per cent emissions reduction compared to 1990 levels over the five-year period 2008 to 2012 (the first commitment period).
Kyoto Protocol was structured on the principles of the Convention. It only binds developed countries because it recognizes that they are largely responsible for the current high levels of GHG emissions in the atmosphere, which are the result of more than 150 years of industrial activity. 

Kyoto Protocol places a heavier burden on developed nations under its central principle: that of “common but differentiated responsibility”.

I have one very basic disagreement - if the industrialized nations made a mistake to pollute the whole World, why should we allow the developing nations to repeat the same? Why we do not put the extra burden of the green technology on the industrialised nations instead of spending money on fighting the consequences? 

As without the extra help, we can sing them many songs, but they will definitely not be interested in any kind of sustainable development and green technologies. Instead of this they are now the dumpsite of the outdated technologies and banned substances of the developed World!

In Doha, Qatar, on 8 December 2012, the Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol was adopted. This launched a second commitment period, starting on 1 January 2013 until 2020.
Interesting – it looks like our very respected governments in Doha predicted the end of the World by 2020 – right?

It also seems like the Maya’s had a bit more understanding about climate and the environment, as their lives and society depended on it. One of the main reasons they have created their extremely precise calendar was to help in their survival and everyday lives. 

Might be their leaders knew something better, than our ones or they were more visionary?

As it looks like the majority of our ones are still blind…

And let’s stop here for a moment;

150 years of polluting activity (green house gas emissions) are responsible for today’s climate change.

Who are the today’s biggest polluters of the World?

1/. China;
2/. USA;
3/. Russia;
4/. India;
5/. Japan
6/. Germany
7/. Canada;
8/. UK;
9/. South Korea;
10/. Iran

Welcome to the “Filthy Ten”!

So, among first 10 polluters, responsible for our current climate changes there are only two countries ready to do something to improve the situation:

UK and Germany;

Which countries are giving aid at the moment to the Philippines?

US – 20 million
UK – 16 million;
Australia – 10 million
Taiwan – 200.000
China 100.000
Japan 10 million
New Zealand 1,7 million
UAE – 10 million
Canada – 5 million
Denmark 2 million
Vatican – 4 million
UN 25 million
EU 5 million

Interesting right?

And take a look on the polluters…

Who is responsible for such catastrophic events?

You are right!                             The “Filthy Ten”

How many of them feel some (or any) responsibility from the top ten?

Less than the half… The contribution of the greatest polluter (China) sounds more like a bad joke and Germany have sent immediate food supplies and promised to give money according to the “real need”… Do you remember the sentence from Kyoto Protocol?

“common but differentiated responsibility”. 

Hey guys!

Time to wake up!

The biggest polluters are the direct cause of the climate change and such devastating catastrophes!

It is also time to speak clearly – this kind of actions should not be a charity or aid! The bill for these events supposed to be paid by the main polluters – and more they pollute, more they supposed to pay!

Human lives cannot be recovered, but the full material damage supposed to be covered, including the cost preventing such events in the future!

From the AID and charity we need to move on expressions like responsibility and obligation! 

It is no way, that a small number of nations growing on the expense of destroying others.

China by the way showed an extremely bad attitude largely because of tense political situation with the Philippines, but this situation is due to the fact, that they are in the same region and cannot agree on some oil reach islands. The countries, who refuse to restrict their green house emissions refer to different stand points, but they use the same argument – they treat this question an “internal matter”.
And this is wrong – as China, US, Russia, India and the “Big 10” not only fumigates and constantly kills its own citizens, but also pollutes, kills and destroys its neighbours and the entire World. At some point they must bare very clear responsibility for that expressed in exact amounts of money to be contributed to relieve and to prevent such events.

Is this “climate stuff” sounds again like a war situation? Absolutely yes!

The Kyoto Treaty is a one-leg giant from the moment, the US refuses to ratify it. As the 25% polluter and the biggest economy of the World the Americans constantly try to avoid their responsibility for what is going on. Why? Very simple - it would be a bad business for them at the moment. What about the future? Ohhh who cares?

The previous administrations constantly tried to play down the importance of environment protection. 

The result is obvious. The majority of the Americans do not want even to hear about it.

The US government with the support of the US industry constantly tried to mislead and falsify even the most evident research results about the climate change, they are also manipulating the scientific researches and the general public.

And it is not yet the end… The US also manipulates the participants of the Kyoto Protocol negotiations.

Just take a look to here…

Still this is not all!

The US conducts research and experiments on climatic warfare

And this is going on and on… Just as the last best of the best, when John Kerry just speaks open lies…

And the final good news for you, that the CIA also got involved in funding of climate manipulation research…

What a wonderful World we are living in right?

You can think for yourself – what is bigger business?

a/. to do global warming;
b/. to fight against it;
c/. to prevent it;
d/. to adopt to it;
e/. to manipulate it;

I let you to enjoy our climate for a while… Or in other words enjoy it until you can…. And start to learn surfing. As the waves start to grow bigger and bigger!

“You have the army of mediocrities followed by the multitude of fools. As the mediocrities and the fools always form the immense majority, it is impossible for them to elect an intelligent government.”

Guy de Maupassant,